Table of Content Explain CVE-2022-30190 Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool Vulnerability How to Exploit Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool? Explain CVE-2022-30190 Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool Vulnerability: On Monday May 30, 2022, Microsoft issued CVE-2022-30190 regarding the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) in Windows...
What is ngrok and How does it work? What is Metasploit Framework? What is MSFvenom in Metasploit? Hack Android Phone by Sending a Link? make undetectable payload for android? What is ngrok and How does it work? Ngrok is an open-source...
Table of Content What is Termux How to Install Termux How to Upgrade Package in Termux How to Install any Software in Termux How to Uninstall any Software in Termux Install root-repo on Termux How to Clone GitHub script in termux...
What is 5G Network ? The second wave of COVID-19 spreading due to 5G testing? Before talking, let us understand, What is the 5G network? 5G (fifth generation) is the latest technology in the field of cellular networks. In 5G networks,...
ExifTool : Hide Payloads Inside Images In this blog, we will explore various methods to hide payload inside an image. For that, we will use ExifTool that is pre-installed in Kali Linux. There are several features inside ExifTool, For example, Hiding...
You have mid-engaged with Linux. Recently you installed Linux in your system. But few days later, you forgot your system password. “I remember when I was doing a penetration testing of a company. We saved /etc/shadow hash in a TXT file.”...
imagine the following situation You are an Ethical Hacker. while solving the CTF challenges, you want to send a file to the target machine. After lots of research, You discovered that there are no such tools exist in the target system...
Imagine the Senario You are a school teacher and after spending a lot of time, saved all the student’s email-id, phone number, roll number in a file. But somehow that file was deleted from your computer. You do not know how...
Consider the following scenario You are an employee inside the company, and you have a zip file that zip file has password-protected. You do not know the password of the zip file. An employee who worked in your company left the...
Python is the most popular programming language. which almost every computer programmer knows. With the help of python which you can develop any software or game. Python’s Easy interface and Libraries make Python more popular. As you all know, Python is...